I started writing this post last Feb. I thought about deleting it, but instead I'm using it as a jump off for blogging again in 2023!
From Feb 17th 2022-
I knew that taking annmade to the next level was going to be a lot of work, and I'd have to learn new things in the business realm and figure out how to utilize new trends. I don't consider myself clueless when it comes to business, I did minor in entrepreneurship at The University of Akron, but that was many moons ago and the digital world has changed things. Creating is what I love to do- but with yarn, creating websites, links, social media posts, reels and financial documents feels awkward and I am clunking my way through it.Â
Here's a great example... I finally figured out how to link my shopify site to facebook and Instagram so I could add "shopping". things were working well, then I bought my own domain. I thought I would just have to update the info on my shopify page, but no, there was a long complicated list of techy things I needed to do and I didn't. After I spent hours figuring it out, it was too late, I had messed up the process too many times and now my website has not been authorized on Instagram for shopping and their "customer service" doesn't seem to exist.Â
In attempting to remain positive, when something such as the example above happens, I turn to my checklist and move on to something simpler. So after 2 days of Instagram frustration, I moved on to opening a business checking account. I did some comparing and research and ended up choosing NOVO. I am waiting approval, but I applied and now have some sense of accomplishment.Â
Here are some other things I am working on:
- item catalog- knit collections & new items outside of knitwear
- branding updates
- social media- ALWAYS
- cost analysis & pricing
It's still winter so I am still putting a focus on those chunky wool beanies and ear warmers, I am thinking about a few small pop ups and trying to focus on the day job. If you are a person with experience in instagram shopping or have any clue how I can get through to them- please send me an email!!!Â
Back to reality (aka January 24th 2023)-
I was right in the fact that "behind the scenes isn't as cool as it sounds". Especially in small business navigation. But we're still here, still standing. We made it a whole year as an official LLC, we didn't blow up or even make much money. But I survived year one and am still here showing up and chugging along.Â
2020 was a year of radical change
2021 was a year of adjustingÂ
2022 was a year of planning and planting
2023 is going to be the year of nurturing annmade and really helping the brand root itself into the knitting community in its own way.Â
I am so excited to take things to the next level and promise that I will be a better blogger so that I can share this journey with whoever is out there listening, but also to document my own growth.